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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Massive Headwound Harry

a couple of sundays ago i was putting barkley back in eric ballou's backyard (where barkley lives). eric was in the middle of having some work done on his house so there were a few ladders leaned up against the house. there were some insane gusts of wind that day in richmond. right after barkley and i went through the gate into the backyard a strong wind kicked up and out of nowhere i felt a blow to the back of my head. i quickly realized i had a 30ft. ladder on my back so i threw it off and took cover because the wind was still going strong and i had no idea what else might be falling. after about 20 seconds or so the wind calmed down so i bent down to latch barkley up on his leash and that's when the blood started flowing. and it kept coming. i had to wake eric up from his nice sunday nap and ask him take me to the emergency room. i ended up getting 8 staples. i had them taken out a few days ago in our school's oral surgery clinic. the attending, dr. smagaslski, took out the first one in front of a small audience of my own classmates and then let each of them take one out. he even guided my hand back there and let me take out the last one. fun. so in the past 5 months i've spent two sundays in the e.r. i've decided that from now on i'm only going out on sundays to go to church and back and that's it.



OK......now you know how Buckey must have felt for all his ER staple trips!! I think you should post up one of his recovery pic.'s since he IS in the story and they do look pretty similar!!! We're glad to know your OK, Gosh!!!!!!!
Stay Safe!!!

Stacers said...

Wait, what is Shayla referring to? I didn't ever hear that Barkley got staples out there..and I don't have any photos of Barkley with staples anyway. I think I took some a long time ago of his checker butt, however it was before my digital cam. so I don't know where those went. Yo head looks jacked fool. I'm glad those Frankenstein things are OUT! Haha..I kid..


I'm talking about Buckey's face by his eye/head staples (from fencing?), thought there'd be a pic. of that....maybe not?!

Lambert the Sheepish Lions said...

Funny how one friend's blog can result in the stumbling upon another friend's blog.

Wow...that sounds awful!!! Hope all is well now.

Sorry about cancelling this past Sunday. I swear one of these days we'll all be in the same place at the same time and break bread! LOL.

Anyhow...take care.

Sean and JinHee

Lambert the Sheepish Lions said...

So great to have you over this past week. I posted the pics on my blog.

Have a great move and good luck!

sarahjanedaily said...

robbie. where are you??? i miss you. hope you're staying out of trouble!